
Success is coded into every deployment with our solutions


Welcome to STG, your catalyst for DevOps transformation. In today’s business landscape, speed and agility are paramount. Our DevOps Services are tailored to break down silos, accelerate development cycles, and enhance collaboration between development and operations teams. We’re not just implementing tools but fostering a cultural shift that drives innovation, efficiency, and excellence in your software delivery pipeline. Embrace the future of development and operations with our comprehensive DevOps solutions.


Core Elements

DevOps aims to address the challenges posed by traditional software
development methods.



DevOps encourages close collaboration between development teams responsible for writing code and operations teams responsible for deploying and maintaining applications. This collaboration fosters a shared sense of ownership and responsibility.



Automation plays a pivotal role in DevOps. It involves automating repetitive tasks, such as code builds, testing, and deployment, to ensure consistency, reduce errors, and accelerate the software delivery pipeline.

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Continuous Integration (CI)

Developers frequently integrate code changes into a shared repository. Automated tests are run to detect and address any integration issues early in development.

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Continuous Delivery (CD)

Automated testing and deployment processes enable code changes to be rapidly moved through different stages of testing and ultimately deployed to production environments.

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Monitoring and Feedback

Continuous monitoring of applications in production helps identify issues early and provides valuable feedback to development teams. This feedback loop contributes to the continuous improvement of both applications and processes.


Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

DevOps practices often involve treating infrastructure as code, allowing teams to manage and provision infrastructure through code and version control, enhancing consistency and reproducibility.

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DevOps is not only about tools and processes but also a cultural shift towards collaboration, transparency, and shared goals among teams.

Services Offered Details

We implement CI pipelines that automatically build, test, and validate code changes as they are committed. This ensures early detection of defects and accelerates the development process.

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Our CD pipelines automate the deployment of code changes to production or staging environments. This minimizes human errors, reduces deployment time, and enables frequent releases.

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We utilize IaC principles to define and manage your infrastructure using code. This approach ensures consistency, repeatability, and scalability of your environments.

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Our experts use configuration management tools to maintain and update software configurations across various environments. This guarantees consistency and reduces configuration-related issues.

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We integrate automated testing practices into your development process, including unit tests, integration tests, and performance tests. This ensures code quality and prevents regressions.

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We leverage containerization platforms like Docker and orchestration tools like Kubernetes to create portable and scalable application environments. This enables efficient resource utilization and easy application scaling.

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Our DevOps solutions include robust monitoring and logging setups that provide real-time insights into application performance. This facilitates quick issue identification and resolution.

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Security is a top priority. We integrate security practices into every phase of the development and deployment process, ensuring that your applications are protected against threats.

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Selling point

Our STG DevOps experts are dedicated to transforming how you develop, deploy, and manage software applications. By integrating development and operations, we enable reliable software delivery, enhance collaboration, and drive continuous innovation.

  • Reducing the time between writing code and making it available to users.
  • Minimizing the risk of deploying faulty code to production by relying on automated testing and increasing the frequency of software releases to deliver new features and bug fixes more rapidly.
  • Detect integration issues early by automatically building and testing code changes in an isolated environment.
  • Ensure that code changes don’t introduce regressions or conflicts with existing code and improve collaboration among team members by making sure everyone’s code is consistently integrated.



“Thanks to STG’s DevOps services, our development and operations teams are now seamlessly aligned. The continuous integration and delivery practices introduced have accelerated our software release cycles, and the cultural shift towards agility has fostered a more collaborative and innovative environment.”

– Zachary Chism, DevOps Engineer

AWS CodeBuild

An integral part of Amazon Web Services, is a managed continuous integration service designed to compile, build, and test source code automatically. It offers a range of advantages that significantly enhance STG’s software development practices.

  • AWS CodeBuild brings about several key benefits. Firstly, it enables the automation of the build and testing phase of software development. As developers commit their code changes to the repository, CodeBuild kicks in, compiling the code, and running tests. This automation eliminates the need for manual intervention in the build process, leading to reduced human errors and consistent build outcomes.
  • Our Developers configured CodeBuild to work with a variety of programming languages, build tools, and testing frameworks. Moreover, CodeBuild seamlessly integrates with other AWS services and tools. It can be easily integrated into a CI/CD pipeline using services like AWS CodePipeline or as part of a custom workflow. This integration allowed STG to create a comprehensive development and deployment process that aligns with unique requirements.
  • Through the adoption of AWS CodeBuild, STG focused more on developing high-quality applications and less on managing build complexities.
  • Similarly, STG used Azure DevOps, a set of development tools that includes Azure Pipelines (CI/CD), Azure Repos (source control), Azure Boards (work tracking), and Azure Test Plans (testing).

Continuous Delivery (CD): Our CD pipelines automate the deployment of code changes to production or staging environments. This minimizes human errors, reduces deployment time, and enables frequent releases.

The objectives of CD include:

– Reducing the time between writing code and making it available to users.

– Minimizing the risk of deploying faulty code to production by relying on automated testing and increasing the frequency of software releases to deliver new features and bug fixes more rapidly.

Here are some CD tools and how they are used by our STG developers on some of the cloud platforms:

AWS CodeDeploy, a core component of Amazon Web Services, is a fully managed deployment service designed to automate application deployments to a variety of compute services, ensuring efficient and reliable delivery of software changes. By using AWS CodeDeploy, STG implemented a variety of deployment strategies. These strategies allowed us to fine-tune the way changes were rolled out, mitigating risks and ensuring a smooth transition for end-users.

When developers make changes to the application codebase, CodeDeploy automates the process of deploying these changes across multiple instances, servers, or containers. This automation minimizes human errors, expedites the deployment cycle, and guarantees consistent and repeatable deployments.

It can be easily combined with AWS CodePipeline for end-to-end CI/CD automation or integrated into custom deployment scripts and processes.

In conclusion, AWS CodeDeploy empowered us by automating and optimizing the deployment phase of software development. This leads to faster and more reliable releases, ultimately enhancing STG’s agility and ability to respond to client needs.

Similarly, Azure Functions, a service provided by Microsoft, and Google Container Registry, offered by Google Cloud, are two powerful tools that cater to specific aspects of application development and deployment.

For STG, Azure Functions, and Google Container Registry offer distinct advantages that significantly optimize our development and deployment practices. Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that enables us to develop and deploy event-driven, small-scale applications. Developers wrote code snippets that respond to events, such as HTTP requests or database updates. This approach accelerated development, minimized overhead, and allowed us to focus on creating functionality rather than managing infrastructure.

On the other hand, Google Container Registry provides a centralized repository for storing, managing, and distributing container images. Containers package an application and its dependencies, ensuring consistency across various environments. STG used tools like Docker to create containerized applications, and then store those containers in the Google Container Registry. This simplifies deployment by ensuring that the application runs consistently across different stages, from development to production.

In summary, the combined use of Azure Functions and Google Container Registry empowered us with a versatile approach to application development and deployment. While Azure Functions cater to lightweight, event-driven functionalities, Google Container Registry ensures consistency and reliability across different deployment stages using containerization.

STG strategically employed Vagrant to significantly enhance development and testing processes. Vagrant is an open-source tool that simplifies the creation and management of virtualized development environments, making it easier to replicate production-like setups for development and testing purposes.

Firstly, Vagrant enabled development teams to create consistent and reproducible development environments effortlessly. This consistency eliminated the “it works on my machine” problem and ensured that everyone was working in the same environment, leading to fewer integration issues and faster development cycles.

Secondly, Vagrant supported multi-provider compatibility, allowing us to create development environments that closely mimic various production infrastructure setups, whether on local virtualization platforms or in cloud environments. This flexibility enabled teams to test and develop against different target environments easily. Additionally, Vagrant seamlessly integrated with configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet, and Chef, enabling to provision and configuration of development environments automatically.

STG is well-equipped to assist you in implementing Vagrant effectively, tailoring it to your specific business needs, and ensuring that your development processes run smoothly while aligning with your strategic objectives.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

We utilize IaC principles to define and manage your infrastructure using code. This approach ensures consistency, repeatability, and scalability of your environments.

Here are some IaC tools and how they are used by our STG developers on some of the cloud platforms:

A modern development framework that enables developers to define cloud infrastructure in code using familiar programming languages. This provides our firm with a powerful toolset to streamline and optimize the creation and management of AWS resources. For STG, AWS CDK offers a range of advantages that can significantly improve our software development practices. With the CDK, our developers used programming languages such as Python, TypeScript, or Java to define cloud resources more intuitively and programmatically. This approach allowed us to leverage our existing programming skills, leading to faster development cycles and reduced learning curves. By utilizing AWS CDK, we can define infrastructure as code (IaC) using high-level constructs, which represent AWS resources and their relationships. These constructs can be reused across projects, ensuring consistency in deployment patterns and reducing the potential for errors. It also integrates seamlessly with other AWS services like AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild, enabling us to create end-to-end CI/CD pipelines that encompass both infrastructure and application code. In summary, the AWS Cloud Development Kit empowered STG by allowing us to define and manage AWS infrastructure using familiar programming languages. This leads to accelerated development cycles, reduced chances of errors, and improved consistency in infrastructure management.

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Provided by Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Deployment Manager, offered by Google Cloud, are infrastructure-as-code tools that enable the firm to define and deploy cloud resources in a programmatic and repeatable manner. For STG, ARM Templates and Google Cloud Deployment Manager offered valuable capabilities that significantly enhanced our software development and deployment practices. With ARM Templates, we defined Azure infrastructure resources using declarative JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) syntax. This approach allowed our developers to specify the desired configuration of resources in a structured way, ensuring consistency and reducing the risk of manual errors. Similarly, Google Cloud Deployment Manager enabled our developers at STG to define and deploy Google Cloud resources using YAML or Python templates. This approach provides a familiar and standardized way to define infrastructure components, from virtual machines to storage buckets, ensuring a well-organized and reproducible deployment process. Both tools offered integrations with their respective cloud ecosystems. ARM Templates are seamlessly integrated with Azure services like Azure DevOps for end-to-end automation, while Google Cloud Deployment Manager can be incorporated into CI/CD pipelines using tools like Google Cloud Build. In summary, both Azure Resource Manager Templates and Google Cloud Deployment Manager empowered STG by allowing us to define and deploy cloud resources using structured code templates.

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Our experts at STG utilized Chef to streamline and automate various organizations’ IT infrastructure and configuration management processes. Chef is a powerful automation platform that allows us to define and manage infrastructure as code, ensuring consistency and efficiency across your entire technology stack. By adopting Chef, we helped simplify complex tasks such as server provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. Chef provided a structured approach to automating the configuration of servers and applications. It allowed us to define “recipes” and “cookbooks,” which are sets of instructions that specify how to configure and maintain various components of infrastructure. These recipes ensured that configurations were applied consistently and could be version-controlled, providing greater control and traceability. Our team of experts worked closely with organizations to design and implement Chef solutions tailored to their specific needs. By incorporating Chef into your IT environment, you’ll experience improved infrastructure reliability, reduced downtime, and faster response times to changes and updates. Chef empowers your organization to embrace infrastructure as code and automate repetitive tasks, resulting in more efficient and agile IT operations.

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Our DevOps-certified engineers leveraged Ansible to significantly enhance the automation and management of your IT infrastructure. Ansible is a powerful open-source automation tool that simplifies complex tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, and cloud provisioning. By adopting Ansible, we helped streamline operations, reduce manual errors, and achieve greater efficiency across organizations. With Ansible, we created playbooks, which are essentially sets of instructions that automate tasks across the infrastructure. These playbooks allowed us to define and manage the client’s infrastructure as code, ensuring that configurations remain consistent and up-to-date across all servers and devices. Our team of experts worked closely with organizations to design and implement Ansible automation solutions tailored to their specific needs. By doing so, we helped reduce manual intervention, accelerate the deployment of new services, and enhance the scalability and reliability of IT infrastructure. Ansible empowers you to embrace infrastructure as code and drive innovation through automation, making it an invaluable asset for your IT environment.

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Configuration Management

Our experts use Configuration Management tools to maintain and update software configurations across various environments. This guarantees consistency and reduces configuration-related issues.

Here’s an overview of configuration management tools and how they are used by our STG developers:

A configuration management service that simplifies the process of deploying and managing applications on the Amazon Web Services cloud platform. With OpsWorks, we at STG defined the architecture and components of our applications using layers, which encompass various resources like instances, databases, and load balancers. This allowed us to create a consistent and repeatable setup for different projects, saving time and minimizing configuration errors. OpsWorks also provided us with built-in automation with Chef and Puppet, two popular configuration management tools. We defined recipes or manifests to specify how resources should be provisioned and configured. This approach ensured that our applications were deployed with the configurations needed for their optimal functioning. In summary, AWS OpsWorks by streamlining application deployment, managing infrastructure, and automating configuration management. This results in faster deployments, increased consistency, and enhanced operational efficiency. Through the adoption of AWS OpsWorks, our firm can focus on delivering value to clients while maintaining robust, well-managed, and secure cloud-based applications and resources.

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Similarly, STG used Azure Automation and Google Cloud Deployment Manager to enhance software development practices. Azure Automation enabled us to automate repetitive tasks and manage complex deployments across Azure resources. This meant we could streamline various operations, from provisioning virtual machines to configuring databases, using reusable scripts known as runbooks. By utilizing Azure Automation, we ensured consistent and error-free configurations, which ultimately led to more reliable applications. Google Cloud Deployment Manager empowered us to create, manage, and deploy complex cloud environments using code templates. We defined and customized resources like virtual machines, networking configurations, and databases using YAML or Python templates. In conclusion, both Azure Automation and Google Cloud Deployment Manager provided us with powerful tools to automate infrastructure management and application deployment. By using these tools, we accelerated deployment cycles, and reduced errors.

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Automated Testing

We integrate automated testing practices into your development process, including unit tests, integration tests, and performance tests. This ensures code quality and prevents regressions.
Let’s look at some of the tools used by STG developers:

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service provided by Amazon Web Services that enables developers to run code in response to events without the need to manage servers.

With Lambda, we broke down our applications into smaller, modular functions that were triggered by various events such as HTTP requests, database changes, or scheduled events. This approach allowed us to build applications that were more scalable, flexible, and cost-efficient.

By utilizing AWS Lambda, we respond quickly to changes and demands. This agility enabled us to develop and deploy applications faster, making it easier to meet our clients’ evolving requirements.

In summary, AWS Lambda empowers our consulting firm by allowing us to build and deploy applications using modular, serverless functions. This approach accelerates development, enhances scalability, and reduces operational overhead. By adopting AWS Lambda, our firm can focus on delivering value to clients while letting the serverless architecture take care of infrastructure management, ultimately leading to more innovative and efficient software solutions.
Similarly, STG used Azure Automation and Google Cloud Composer to enhance automation and scheduling.

Azure Automation

Similarly, STG used Azure Automation and Google Cloud Composer to enhance automation and scheduling.

Containerization and Orchestration: We leverage containerization platforms like Docker and orchestration tools like Kubernetes to create portable and scalable application environments. This enables efficient resource utilization and easy application scaling.

Here’s an overview of these tools:

AWS EKS is a managed Kubernetes service that simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications using Kubernetes.

With EKS, we deployed and managed containerized applications using Kubernetes, an industry-standard open-source platform for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.

By utilizing AWS EKS, we created Kubernetes clusters with ease, allowing us to harness the benefits of containerization without the complexity of managing the underlying infrastructure. EKS enabled us to build, deploy, and scale applications in a consistent manner across various environments, from development to production.

In summary, AWS EKS empowers our consulting firm by allowing us to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes with ease. 

Similarly, STG leveraged Azure Kubernetes Service and Google Kubernetes Engine to optimize containerized application deployment and management processes.

Docker is a powerful containerization platform that enables the packaging of applications and their dependencies into portable containers. These containers can run consistently across various environments, streamlining the deployment process and enhancing flexibility.

By adopting Docker, DevOps-certified developers at STG help organizations overcome challenges related to environment inconsistencies and application dependencies. Docker containers encapsulate everything an application needs to run, ensuring that it operates consistently, whether it’s deployed on a developer’s laptop, a test server, or a production environment. Furthermore, Docker facilitates efficient scaling and resource utilization, allowing us to optimize your infrastructure.

Our team of experts collaborated closely with organizations to design and implement Docker solutions tailored to your specific needs. By incorporating Docker into your development and deployment workflows, you’ll experience faster development cycles, improved collaboration among teams, and greater agility in responding to changes and market demands. Docker empowers your organization to embrace modern application development practices, making it a valuable asset for enhancing your IT capabilities and staying competitive in today’s dynamic business landscape.

STG DevOps experts implement containerization and orchestration to provide flexibility, scalability, and ease of management for deploying applications across cloud environments.

Monitoring and Logging

Our DevOps solutions include robust monitoring and logging setups that provide real-time insights into application performance. This facilitates quick issue identification and resolution.

Here’s how STG developers ensure the use of monitoring and logging tools and how they are used:

DevOps Engineers at STG leveraged Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon CloudTrail to provide comprehensive and efficient cloud management solutions for our clients. Amazon CloudWatch serves as a robust monitoring and observability tool, enabling us to gain real-time insights into the performance of their AWS resources and applications. By setting up custom alarms and dashboards, developers proactively identified and addressed any issues or bottlenecks, ensuring optimal system performance and resource utilization.

In tandem with CloudWatch, Amazon CloudTrail offers essential security and compliance benefits. CloudTrail records all API activity in the AWS environment, creating an audit trail that can be invaluable for identifying unauthorized or suspicious activities. We helped clients establish comprehensive security policies and compliance standards by utilizing CloudTrail’s logs to monitor and analyze user actions, track changes to AWS resources, and investigate security incidents. This ensured that our clients’ cloud environments adhered to industry-specific regulations and best practices, mitigating potential risks and bolstering their overall security posture.

Similarly, STG leveraged Azure Monitor and Google Cloud Monitoring to provide clients with comprehensive cloud management solutions that cater to their diverse needs. Azure Monitor, within the Microsoft Azure ecosystem, offers powerful tools for monitoring the performance and health of Azure resources and applications. It allowed us to gain real-time insights into the client’s cloud infrastructure, and detect and troubleshoot issues promptly.

Simultaneously, Google Cloud Monitoring provides robust monitoring capabilities for clients using Google Cloud Platform (GCP). With Google Cloud Monitoring, we tracked the performance of GCP services, set up alerts based on specific metrics, and gained deep insights into the behavior of cloud resources. This proactive monitoring approach helped us identify and resolve issues swiftly, optimizing cost-effectiveness and end-user experience.

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit that excels at collecting and analyzing metrics from various systems and services in real time. By adopting Prometheus, STG helped in gaining valuable insights into the performance, health, and reliability of applications and infrastructure.

Prometheus employs a highly efficient and adaptable data collection model, allowing us to monitor everything from servers and containers to databases and custom applications. It provided a robust querying language, which enabled us to create custom alerts and dashboards to visualize the metrics that matter most to our client organization. Additionally, Prometheus seamlessly integrates with container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, making it an ideal choice for organizations embracing microservices and cloud-native architectures.

Our team of experts collaborated closely with organizations to implement Prometheus effectively, customized to their specific needs. By doing so, helped monitor, diagnose, and optimize IT systems, enhancing their reliability and performance.

Splunk is a leading platform for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing machine-generated data, making it an invaluable tool for gaining actionable insights from your IT infrastructure and business operations.

With Splunk, STG helped unlock the full potential of data by aggregating logs, metrics, and other machine-generated information from various sources across organizations. This data was transformed into valuable, real-time insights and actionable intelligence. Whether you want to monitor the health and performance of your IT systems, detect security threats, optimize application performance, or gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior, Splunk can provide you with the tools and insights to make informed decisions.

Our team of experts worked closely with organizations to implement Splunk tailored to their specific needs. By leveraging Splunk’s capabilities, you’ll not only enhance your operational efficiency and security but also gain a competitive edge by making data-driven decisions that drive your business forward. Splunk empowers you to turn data into a strategic asset, making it an invaluable addition to your IT infrastructure and business strategy.

Datadog is a comprehensive cloud monitoring and analytics platform that provides real-time insights into the performance of your applications, infrastructure, and user experiences. By adopting Datadog, our developers at STG helped gain a proper view of the client’s IT ecosystem and ensure its reliability, security, and efficiency.

With Datadog, we collected and analyzed data from a multitude of sources, including servers, containers, cloud services, and applications. This data was transformed into actionable insights and presented through user-friendly dashboards, alerts, and reports. Whether you’re looking to monitor the health of your microservices architecture, track the performance of your cloud infrastructure, or troubleshoot issues quickly, Datadog provides the tools to proactively address challenges before they impact your business. Furthermore, Datadog’s integrations with a wide range of technologies and its support for custom metrics and traces make it a versatile solution that can be tailored to your organization’s unique needs.

Our team of experts worked closely with businesses to implement Datadog effectively, ensuring that can identify trends, detect anomalies, and optimize IT resources for peak performance.

STG leveraged the powerful DevOps tool Ganglia to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the client’s IT infrastructure. Ganglia is an open-source, scalable monitoring system that is particularly valuable for organizations seeking to optimize resource management and performance monitoring.

Firstly, Ganglia provided real-time insights into the health and performance of the entire IT ecosystem, including servers, applications, and network devices. This meant we could proactively identify and address any issues before they impact operations, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum productivity.

Secondly, Ganglia’s ability to collect and analyze historical data allowed for trend analysis and capacity planning. By understanding past usage patterns, we helped make informed decisions about resource allocation and scaling, ultimately leading to cost savings and improved resource utilization.

In summary, STG is well-equipped to assist you in deploying Ganglia effectively, ensuring that your IT infrastructure operates at its peak performance and aligns with your business objectives.


STG leveraged the powerful DevOps tool Ganglia to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the client’s IT infrastructure. Ganglia is an open-source, scalable monitoring system that is particularly valuable for organizations seeking to optimize resource management and performance monitoring.



STG leveraged Nagios to enhance the reliability and performance of IT infrastructure. Nagios is a powerful open-source monitoring system that can play a critical role in ensuring the health and availability of your critical systems and services.

Cloud Source Repositories

To host private Git repositories and integrate with other Google Cloud services were utilized as well.

DevOps-certified experts leveraged Jenkins to transform and optimize various organizations’ software development and delivery processes. Jenkins is an industry-leading automation server that facilitates continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, enabling faster and more reliable software releases. By adopting Jenkins, we helped streamline development workflows, reduce manual tasks, and enhance the overall efficiency of the software delivery pipeline.



STG leveraged Graylog to revolutionize your log management and monitoring processes. Graylog is an open-source log management and analysis platform designed to provide deep insights into your application and infrastructure logs.

Sumo Logic

STG leveraged Sumo Logic to significantly enhance the log management, analytics, and monitoring capabilities. Sumo Logic is a cloud-native, machine data analytics platform designed to provide real-time insights into your IT infrastructure, applications, and security posture.



STG effectively utilized SolarWinds as a comprehensive suite of tools for network and IT infrastructure monitoring, management, and optimization. SolarWinds offers a wide range of solutions that empower organizations to gain deep insights into their IT environments, ensuring optimal performance, reliability, and security.

Security Integration

Security is a top priority. We integrate security practices into every phase of the development and deployment process, ensuring that your applications are protected against threats.

Here’s how STG developers ensure the use of security integration tools and how they are used:

We at STG harnessed the power of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Amazon GuardDuty to provide robust security solutions for our clients. AWS IAM allowed us to manage user access to AWS services and resources securely. With IAM, we defined permissions, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data and critical infrastructure components. By implementing IAM best practices and policies, we helped our clients establish a robust security posture, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. Complementing IAM, Amazon GuardDuty offers intelligent threat detection and continuous monitoring for AWS environments. It analyzes AWS CloudTrail logs, VPC flow logs, and DNS logs to identify potentially malicious activity and security threats

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DevOps experts harnessed Azure IAM, GCP IAM, and IBM Cloud IAM to provide comprehensive identity and access management solutions tailored to the specific cloud environments of clients. Azure IAM, within the Microsoft Azure ecosystem, allowed us to control access to Azure services and resources securely. We defined permissions and implemented multi-factor authentication, ensuring that only authorized users have access to sensitive data and critical infrastructure components. In parallel, GCP IAM provides robust access control and identity management capabilities for clients using Google Cloud Platform. We can design IAM policies that align with the client’s organizational structure, enforcing the principle of least privilege and ensuring proper segregation of duties. This approach enhances security by limiting access to only what is necessary, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Furthermore, IBM Cloud IAM offers similar capabilities in the IBM Cloud environment, allowing us to manage access to resources and services within that ecosystem. By configuring IAM policies in IBM Cloud, we created a secure access framework that aligned with our client’s specific compliance and security requirements.

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Collaboration and Communication

We enhance team collaboration through tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and others. This fosters communication, knowledge sharing, and efficient problem-solving.

Here’s how STG developers ensure the use of collaboration and communication tools and how they are used:

STG utilized the power of collaboration and communication tools like Amazon Chime, Microsoft Teams, and Google Workspace to transform the way our clients work, collaborate, and connect in today’s digital world. These tools offer a seamless and integrated platform for team communication, project collaboration, and information sharing, facilitating enhanced productivity and efficiency. Amazon Chime provides secure and reliable video conferencing and messaging capabilities, allowing teams to meet, chat, and collaborate from anywhere. Microsoft Teams offers a robust suite of collaboration features, integrating seamlessly with Office 365 apps for document sharing, project planning, and real-time co-authoring. Google Workspace, on the other hand, provides a cloud-based suite of productivity tools including Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Meet, fostering teamwork and enabling remote work flexibility. By helping clients implement and customize these solutions, we enable efficient communication and collaboration across teams and departments, no matter where they are located. This enhances workflow efficiency, reduces email clutter, and promotes transparency, ultimately leading to faster decision-making and improved project outcomes.

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DevOps Culture Adoption: STG drives business transformation and innovation by leveraging the adoption of a DevOps culture within an organization. DevOps is not merely a set of tools and practices but rather a cultural shift that fosters collaboration, communication, and alignment between development and operations teams. By embracing DevOps principles, our firm helps clients achieve faster, more efficient, and higher-quality software development and delivery processes. Through the adoption of DevOps practices, such as continuous integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD), and automated testing, we enable our clients to streamline their software development lifecycle. This results in shorter development cycles reduced manual intervention, and the ability to release software updates more frequently and reliably. The continuous feedback loop that DevOps encourages ensures that issues are identified and addressed early in the development process, minimizing costly post-release defects. Moreover, a DevOps culture promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing among teams, breaking down silos and fostering a culture of innovation. Our consulting firm can guide our clients in creating cross-functional teams, automating repetitive tasks, and implementing infrastructure as code (IaC) to efficiently manage and scale their cloud resources. Ultimately, the adoption of a DevOps culture not only accelerates software development and delivery but also enhances organizational agility, reduces operational costs, and increases customer satisfaction. Our consulting firm can tailor a DevOps strategy that aligns with our client’s specific goals and objectives, ensuring that they not only stay competitive in today’s fast-paced digital landscape but also continuously improve and innovate their software solutions to meet evolving customer demands. At STG, we understand that successful DevOps implementation requires not only technical expertise but also a cultural shift within your organization. Our DevOps Services are designed to create partnerships between development and operations teams, resulting in faster time-to-market, and improved software quality.

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