Welcome to the Energy Industry

We are actively working with our clients to seamlessly integrate renewable energy into their existing infrastructure. This involves smart grid solutions, energy storage, and microgrid development to ensure a stable and sustainable energy supply.


Driven by technological advancements

The shift towards renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and
hydroelectric power is a key focus

Sustainability is at the forefront of the industry.


Storage Technologies

Energy storage technologies, such as advanced batteries and grid-scale storage, are gaining prominence. These solutions enable our clients to store excess energy during times of low demand and release it during peak periods. This leads to reduced energy costs and greater grid stability.


IoT Solutions

Internet of Things (IoT) solutions enable remote monitoring of equipment and infrastructure. This not only improves maintenance but also enhances safety by reducing the need for on-site inspections. We assist our clients in setting and achieving sustainability goals, reducing their carbon footprint, and complying with environmental regulations.

Services and Platforms

A variety of tools and technologies were used to help our clients optimize operations, improve efficiency, and ensure the security and reliability of their it infrastructure. Here are some of the tools and technologies used in this context

SCADA systems are used for real-time monitoring and control of industrial processes and infrastructure, particularly in the utilities and energy sectors.

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GIS tools are essential for managing and analyzing spatial data, which is vital in the utilities and resource industries for mapping, planning, and maintenance.

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Asset management tools help in tracking and maintaining equipment and assets efficiently, which is crucial in the energy and utility sector.

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Our services, Customized for You



“The energy sector demands innovation, and they delivered. STG’s expertise in implementing smart technologies, iot solutions, and data analytics has empowered us to make informed decisions, reduce operational costs, and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient energy future.”


STG provides services to the energy, resources, and utilities industry.

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